After an agonizing couple of weeks I have finally been cleared to get back in the pool and back on the bike. Still a few more weeks till I'm supposed to run. Injuries suck, especially ones that could have been prevented, but it does help to make you appreciate your health a little more. If it's possible to take a positive out of getting hurt I think I have. Now I'd like to have a couple of injury free years.
Since I haven't been doing much training I've had time to do some dreaming. If I could do any races what would they be? I've started a list, sort of a race bucket list. The list will probably change over time, but hopefully some will get crossed off. The painful realization of this list is that I need to win the lottery to make most of it happen. What are your dream races and is there something I need to add?
Challenge Wanaka
Norseman Extreme Triathlon
Escape From Alcatraz
Pinhoti 100
Wildflower Festival Triathlon
Triathlon EDF Alpe D'Huez
Boston Marathon
Swiss Alpine Marathon