Some exciting news for me on the triathlon front, I bought a new TT Bike and I signed up for a half Ironman.
First the bike. What started out as a trip to get aero bars put on my road bike ended up with me buying a 09' Felt B12.

I'm really excited about it, it felt great and all the reviews of it are super positive plus I got a pretty good deal from Joe at Bike Link. They are a small shop but I kind of like that because you feel like you actually get some real attention and you get the same person every time. I get fitted Friday and will take it for the first ride Saturday. Hopefully it will be all good for the Chattanooga triathlon next Saturday.
The other big money buy is my entry into the Augusta Half Ironman on September 27th. I figured why not, even if I run the thing really slow I know I can at least do it. I'm fortunate to have some family living in the area so at least lodging should be cheap. I find it is necessary for me to always have something out on the horizon to keep my focus on training since I honestly hate training.
In other news I took my dog Blue out for his first run... the goal was to do a 5k trail, we made it half way and he was done. I think he's getting used to being around other people and dogs so that is a good thing.
I also officially became an Uncle on June 13th. Drew Hudson Stichtenoth is a healthy happy baby as long as his diaper is clean and his belly is full.
That pretty much covers everything going on with me, I hope everyone has a great 4th of July, enjoy some good food, good beer and the start of the Tour de France!
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